Official Site of the Fairmont High School Cardinal Athletic Teams - Fairmont, MN

2016-2017 BOYS X-COUNTRY 73-36

Nathan Willette
13th 17:15 to help
Cards finish 8th at
Section 2A Meet

Cody Lane
19:025K to
help Cards finish 7th
a tBig South
Conference Meet

Noah Wolter
31st 19.24 - 8th Heat A
in Cards 3rd place
finish at BEA Invite

Andrew Moeller
9th -
as Cards finish
6th at I-90 Meet

Dayton Pasch
14th 17:55 4K 3/4s
to help Cards
finish 3rd at
St James Invite

Darrian Kueker
59th 18:41.44
a tMilaca Mega Meet
Cards 12th

Ben Huinker
23rd 19:18
to help Cards
finish 3rd
at Card Invite

Nathan Willette
16th 18:55
to help Cards
capture 3rd at
Tracy-Milroy-Balaton Invite

Andrew Moeller
1st - 14:524 K
Sophomore Division
to help Cards capture
1st in Early Bird Meet