2001 COED Highlites
MAY 30
State Farm/Korsmo 16, Hog Ranchers 6.
Joni's wild throw broke
Ryan's car mirror. Duct tape can fix
Van Wyk Transportation 24, Fairmont
Legion 9. Ryan 2HRs, Mike got
one too! Great game for all! Nice
catch Karla!
Channel Inn 21, Exhaust Pros 6. Bunj
picks up where he left off
last year- 3-4, HR. "U" goes 3-3, Kim
3-3 also.
Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 13, Jerry's
Well Service 8.
T & G Industries 15, Daddy's Money 12.
Robert inside the park
homerun, Dan HR over the fence.
The Goose/Hy-Vee 17, Jerry's Well
Service 4. Good game.
Knights Lounge 7, Derby Inn 6.
Daddy's Money 19, Whassup Shenanigan's
State Farm/Korsmo 20, Christensen
Family Farms 0.
HMC 15, Hog Ranchers 10.
Fairmont Financial 11, The
Goose/Hy-Vee 5.
Timothy's/Double Play 14, Family Fun &
Fitness 1. Keith HRs 1st
bat of the season, Teresa gets the "No
Hustle" award. Wayne HRs
in first at bat.
T & G Industries 15, Whassup
Shenanigan's 10. Don HR, Dan HR,
Dan had grand slam.
Hawkeye Sow Inc. 24, Christensen
Family Farms 3. "Everyone Hits"
good job Amber!
Darcy's Designs 15, HMC 3.
June 5
Channel Inn 25, Whassup Shenanigan's
T & G Industries 20, Fairmont Legion
7. Twins Dan & Don get grand
slams, Robert had a HR.
Knights Lounge 18, HMC 1. Good "D",
Pete 3HRs.
Whassup Shenanigan's 40, Christensen
Family Farms 0. Luke, Mark &
Ken all hommies!!
Family Fun & Fitness 25, Jerry's Well
Service 8. Doug went yard
for the first time this year, great
State Farm/Korsmo 7, Derby Inn 4.
The Goose/Hy-Vee 24, Fairmont Legion
11. Good bats, Chrisp ends it
with "Snapper Mow'em Down Inning."
Fairmont Financial ?, over Van Wyk
Transportation ?
Channel Inn 29, Christensen Family
Farms 2. Small field-big score!
Knights Lounge 15, Exhaust Pros 0.
State Farm/Korsmo 12, Daddy's Money
Timothy's/Double Play 44, Hog Ranchers
1. Vern & Boj hit for the
Jerry's Well Service 10, HMC 9.
Darcy's Designs 24, Van Wyk
Transportation 12.
Hawkeye Sow Inc. 13, Bevcomm/Legion
Post 89 1. "Nice"
June 12
The Goose/Hy-Vee 18, HMC 13.
Fairmont Financial 18, Jerry's Well
Service 7. The King hits 2
dingers! Greg gets his 1st of the
Hawkeye Sow Inc. 12, Daddy's Money 9.
Nail Biter. "Thanks Brit."
Family Fun & Fitness 7, Derby Inn 6.
Great game, Fun was had by
all. Dave in the park HR, Kim hits in
winning run.
Timothy's/Double Play 34, Van Wyk
Transportation 22. Travis HR,
Dane 3HR, Vern & Keith HRs each, Big
win with 9 players. Sara 4-4.
Knights Lounge 16, Bevcomm/Legion Post
89 2. Pete 2 grand slams.
Family Fun & Fitness 7, Christensen
Family Farms 0. Forfiet.
Timothy's/Double Play 28, State
Farm/Korsmo 8. Boj 3HRs, Keith
2HRs, Vern HR, & women hit!
Fairmont Financial 26, Daddy's Money
11. Great game! Nice pitching.
T & G Industries 8, Exhaust Pros 0. In
the park HR by Jeff.
Hawkeye Sow Inc. 16, Jerry's Well
Service 2. Storm was coming,
balls were leaving!
June 20
Knights Lounge 36, Daddy's Money 4.
HMC 22, Fairmont Legion 9.
Family Fun & Fitness 20, Exhaust Pros
14. Jerome went yard twice.
"Just a walk in the park." Great game
lots of fun.
Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 17, Hog
Ranchers 9. Gimpy 4-5, Amy 5-5,
Rick 5-5, 2 inside-the-park HRs.
Channel Inn 22, Derby Inn 10. Bunj
homers & "Wild" goes deep to
pace Channel's barrage of hitters.
Family Fun & Fitness 18, Van Wyk
Transportation 5. 12 run 5th
Derby Inn 15, Hawkeye Sow Inc. 11.
Derby gets first win!
Knights Lounge 15, The Goose/Hy-Vee 3.
Channel Inn 12, Fairmont Financial 0.
Lyn takes mammoth swing…
buy beer next week! Kim does great job
keeping book.
State Farm/Korsmo 19, Fairmont Legion
Jerry's Well Service 7, Christensen
Family Farms 0.
Hawkeye Sow Inc. 32, Hog Ranchers 0.
That was fun!!! Not
State Farm/Korsmo 16, Whassup
Shenanigan's 14.
Timothy's/Double Play 26, Darcy's
Designs 12. Finally hit our
HR limit @ Winnebago Diamonds. Boj hit
350 foot single.
T & G Industries 13, Fairmont
Financial 6.
June 27
Exhaust Pros 15, Van Wyk
Transportation 11. We Won We Won!
Daddy's Money 38, Christensen Family
Farms 4. Fun had by all!!
Family Fun & Fitness 14, Fairmont
Legion 1. Jerome went yard,
2HRs, 5-5.
Timothy's/Double Play 15, T & G
Industries 3. Karen late-but
batting 1.000.
Derby Inn 28, Van Wyk Transportation
6. Darby homer short of cycle.
Daddy's Money 18, Bevcomm/Legion Post
89 14. Good game - everyone
worked up a sweat.
Darcy's Designs 17, Exhaust Pros 2.
Family Fun & Fitness 14, Whassup
Shenanigan's 10. Jerome 4-5, went
Knights Lounge 14, Channel Inn 5.
The Goose/Hy-Vee 10, Hawkeye Sow Inc.
HMC 30, Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 11.
Fairmont Financial 13, State
Farm/Korsmo 10. Nick great pitching
game. Great D & hitting by all!
Derby Inn 23, Jerry's Well Service 5.
Kari hits a 3 run HOMER!!!
Darcy's Designs 33, Hog Ranchers 17.
July 3
Jerry's Well Service 16, Exhaust Pros
Fairmont Legion 18, Bevcomm/Legion
Post 89 15.
Channel Inn 14, Hawkeye Sow Inc. 13.
Steubs saves the day with his
glove. Kris's bat is hot!, slide in
triple no strawberry.
Derby Inn 23, T & G Industries 22.
Voss saves the game!
Daddy's Money 9, HMC 4.
Darcy's Designs 21, State Farm/Korsmo
Knights Lounge 21 T & G Industries 11.
Andy Heckman HR!
Van Wyk Transportation 15, Hog
Ranchers 3. Mike S. 2HRs, Derrick HR,
Ryan in-the-park HR, way to get on
base Lottie.
Darcy's Designs 34, Christensen Family
Farms 4.
Knights Lounge 30, Family Fun &
Fitness 18.
Whassup Shenanigan's 15, The
Goose/Hy-Vee 3. Mark Blair two
in-the-park HRs.
July 11
Darcy's Designs 13, Whassup
Shenanigan's 11.
Timothy's/Double Play 28. Exhaust Pros
0.Vern 2 HRs, Kieth HR,
Wayne HR, Cheryl Ks but then singled,
She's still got it! Skippy
- the tape really helped.
Family Fun Fitness 12, T & G
Industries 10. A real squeaker!
Derby Inn 15, Fairmont Legion 3.
Van Wyk Transportation 22, Daddy's
Money 10. Mike 3HRs, Karla hit
in winning run, Lottie awesome catch
in right, everybody hit great!
T & G Industries 24, Bevcomm/Legion
Post 89 2.
Exhaust Pros 15, Hog Ranchers 8. Great
job team!
Timothy's/Double Play 17, Jerry's Well
Service 4. Jackie had two
guys on her rear & leads them home.
Boj line drives one over the
Hawkeye Sow Inc. 12, HMC 2. Hawkeye
says whooti who!
Channel Inn 24, Family Fun & Fitness
12. Poopsy is awesome in the
field. Jerome is big frog in a small
The Goose/Hy-Vee 25, Bevcomm/Legion
Post 89 16. Good win with 9.
Hawkeye Sow Inc. 12, Fairmont
Financial 9. Blah-la-la-la-la!
State Farm/Korsmo 14, HMC 13. Ryan got
burnt, Nick walked to win the
game. Good batting guys & gals!
Knights Lounge 30, Christensen Family
Farms 4.
July 18
Fairmont Legion 7, Christensen Family
Farms 0. Forfeit
Derby Inn 24, Fairmont Financial 8.
Lots of HRs.
Channel Inn 18, The Goose/Hy-Vee 14.
Buck goes yard, Kris triples,
Utermarck & Bunj go deeeep!
Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 43, Van Wyk
Transportation 30. Ben 2 run
HR, great effort team!
Daddy's Money 20, Hog Ranchers 7. Hot
Timothy's/Double Play 10, Channel Inn
5. Big 6th inning rally,
bats come alive.
Family Fun & Fitness 20, Hog Ranchers
8. Fun game, fun was had
by all, Tammy looks nice!
HMC 30, Christensen Family Farms 4.
Whassup Shenanigan's 26, Jerry's Well
Service 4. Kathy owes keg -
Ken the pitch was flat - Oh Hey - that
was your tire! Erik how
did you get here!!
Derby Inn 17, Darcy's Designs 11. Deb
makes all the plays!
Timothy's/Double Play 13, The
Goose/Hy-Vee 3. Bats come out in the
nightcap. Cody, Skip, Vern, Franco
in-side-the parkers, Fabe goes
yard, girls all hit!
Darcy's Designs 24, Knights Lounge 23.
State Farm/Korsmo 9, Exhaust Pros 2.
T & G Industries 19, Hawkeye Sow Inc.
Whassup Shenanigan's 22,
Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 21. I'm glad
Erik made it. Nice Hat - Thanks Marv,
started with Plath grand slam.
July 25
Hawkeye Sow Inc. 14, Fairmont Legion
2. Pat 2 dingers, "What a sport"
Channel Inn 11, State Farm/Korsmo 10.
Lyn B. is a back-stop at first
base! Rest of game was coyote ugly!
Derby Inn 7, Christensen Family Farms
0. Forfiet
Daddy's Money 15, Exhaust Pros 11.
Good game.
Whassup Shenanigan's 19, HMC 13. Bats
came alive in the 6th!
Channel Inn 18, T & G Industries 6.
One Base at a time…whew! Poopsy
is awesome on the mound.
Daddy's Money 23, Van Wyk
Transportation 13. Sweet revenge!
Darcy's Designs 16, Bevcomm/Legion
Post 89 14.
Knights Lounge 19, Fairmont Legion 5.
Jerry's Well Service 29, Hog Ranchers
State Farm/Korsmo 19, Van Wyk
Transportation 11.
The Goose/Hy-Vee 15, Family Fun &
Fitness 12. Good game!
Timothy's/Double Play 34, Whassup
Shenanigan's 19. Everybody hits!
Sara goed yard for single.
Fairmont Legion 25, Hog Ranchers 8.
Bob Altman HR.
Timothy’s/Double Play 27, Christensen
Family Farms 0. Jacci owes beer.
Derby Inn 28, Hog Ranchers 2.
Everybody hits!
T & G Industries 12, State Farm/Korsmo
8. Dad gets save pitching last
two innings. Jeff & Robert in-the-park
HRs, solid “D”.
Family Fun & Fitness 29, Hawkeye Sow
Inc. 17. Great umping, 4HR apiece
– fun for all except Ryan.
Knights Lounge 20, Fairmont Financial
8. 12 run rule in 5 innings.
Darcy’s Designs 22, Jerry’s Well
Service 3.
Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 30, Christensen
Family Farms 18.
Fairmont Financial 11, Exhaust Pros 5.
Good hitting @ end to pull it
out in extra innings, Nick pitched
The Goose 23, Hog Ranchers 6.
Daddy’s Money 17, Fairmont Legion 12.
Hot night!
Timothy’s/Double Play 17,
Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 3. Vern leaves 9 on
base, Wayne hits one to Welcome.
The Goose 12, Derby Inn 7.
Whassup Shenanigan’s 29, Van Wyk
Transportation 9.
Channel Inn 18, Darcy’s Designs 7.
Exhaust Pros 14, HMC 4. Brandon 2
Trips, Christi in-the-park HR,
4 cases.
August 8
Darcy’s Designs 7, The Goose/Hy-Vee 0.
T & G Industries over Hog Ranchers.
Channel Inn 25, Bevcomm/Legion Post 89
3. Lyn & Eric get married! Celebrate by
going 6-6 collectively. Bunj gets
save. Congrats Eric & Lyn!
The Goose/Hy-Vee 23, Van Wyk
Transportation 15.
Fairmont Financial 34, Fairmont Legion
T & G Industries over Christensen
Family Farms.
Fairmont Financial 13, Darcy’s Designs
Timothy’s/Double Play 19, Knights
Lounge 14. Consistency gets T/DP the win!
Jerry’s Well Service 31, Van Wyk
Transportation 25. Extra innings.
Hawkeye Sow Inc. 17, Exhaust Pros 9.
Whooha! Whooha!
Exhaust Pros over Christensen Family
State Farm/Korsmo 21, Jerry’s Well
Service 8.
Family Fun & Fitness 10, Daddy’s Money
9. Doug & Jerome each went yard, fun
& exciting game!
Derby Inn 24, HMC 9. Upper Bracket?
Division I
Winner’s Bracket
Darcy’s Designs 11, Family Fun &
Fitness 4, Neal finally got a hit
& turned double play. Dean needs to
remember pants next week!
Knights Lounge 13, State Farm/Korsmo
Channel Inn 6, T & G Industries 1.
Utermark HR, Wild throws a 2
Division II
Winner’s Bracket
Daddy’s Money 10, Hawkeye Sow Inc. 9.
Fairmont Financial 23, Jerry’s Well
Service 11. Dan bats leadoff –
scores 5 times. Jodi sacrifices her
body again!
Division III
Winner’s Bracket
Van Wyk Transportation 25, Fairmont
Legion 8. Everybody hit!!
Nice job!
HMC 7, Christensen Family Farms 0.
Forfiet – went to wedding.
Hog Ranchers 16, Bevcomm/Legion Post
89 15.
Van Wyk Transportation 17, Exhaust
Pros 13. Great game! Great
catch Jodi!
AUGUST 21-22
Division I
Winner’s Bracket
Timothy’s/Double Play 14, Darcy’s
Designs 2. Sara 1 bounce to the fence – scores 2 &gets game
winning RBI. Angie solid pitching.
Knights Lounge 20, Channel Inn 6.
Knights Lounge 15, Timothy’s/Double
Play 7.
Loser’s Bracket
T & G Industries 14, State Farm/Fujan
7. Dan HR, Roman in-the-park HR. A great game
by all! (State Farm eliminated)
Darcy’s Designs 14, T & G Industries
8. Women stepped it up a notch to cover for the
men!! (T & G Industries eliminated)
Division II
Winner’s Bracket
The Goose/Hy-Vee 12, Whassup
Shenanigan’s 9. Jeremy scores 9.5 on his catch.
Derby Inn 26, Daddy’s Money 5.
Everyone hits – even Justin! The Goose/Hy-Vee 15, Fairmont
Financial 12. Lia scores a 8.5 on her catch. Good win, extra
Derby Inn 24, The Goose/Hy-Vee 19.
Took it goose egg – pulled it out!!
Loser’s Bracket
Whassup Shenanigan’s 23, Jerry’s Well
Service 11, Luke, Emily, Eric, Kathy, Mark 7 HRs total. Way
to hit team. (Jerry’s eliminated)
Whassup Shenanigan’s 16, Daddy’s Money
2. Eric, Kris Mark, Kathy HRs, It’s all good! (Daddy’s
Division III
Winner’s Bracket
Hog Ranchers 15, HMC 6. Hogs going
Van Wyk Transportation 17, Hog
Ranchers 11. Good job Lottie, everybody hit, great
Loser’s Bracket
Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 7. Christensen
Family Farms 0. Amy pitches complete game no hitter-NOT!
Forfiet. (CFF eliminated)
HMC 17, Fairmont Legion 16. (Legion
Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 18, Exhaust
Pros 17. Good game everyone! (Exhaust Pros
AUGUST 28-29
Division I
Loser's Bracket
Channel Inn 37, Darcy's Designs 10. 20
run 6th inning is to much
to overcome, way to go team!
(Darcy's Designs eliminated)
Timothy's/Double Play 15, Channel Inn
7. Great team victory, way
to hit girls, Vern 2 HRs, Boj HR.
(Channel Inn eliminated)
Division I Championship Game
Timothy's/Double Play 35, Knights
Lounge 23. Knights Lounge first
If Necessary Championship Game
Knights Lounge 29, Timothy's/Double
Play 15. Knights Lounge
Division I Playoff Champions
Division II
Loser's Bracket
Whassup Shenanigan's 14, Fairmont
Financial 7. Luke HR, Eric
in-the-parker and awesome
plays.(Fairmont Financial eliminated)
Whassup Shenanigan's 24, The Goose 19.
Cheer n Chow rolling.
(The Goose eliminated)
Division II Championship Game
Whassup Shenanigan's 11, Derby Inn 7.
Nice Playing. Derby Inn
first loss.
If Necessary Championship Game
Whassup Shenanigan's 12, Derby Inn 7.
Whassup Shenanigan's
Division II Playoff Champions.
Division III
Loser's Bracket
HMC 19, Bevcomm/Legion Post 89 11.
(Bevcomm/Legion Post 89
HMC 28, Hog Ranchers 4. (Hog Ranchers
Division III Championship Game
Van Wyk Transportation 17, HMC 12.
Awesome Game! We knew we could
do it! Van Wyk Transportation Division
III Playoff Champions.