Blue Ballers 17, Larson Trucking
3. Gold medal in one hand. Cold beer in the other!
Blue Baller nation!
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 16,
Legends II 15. Courtney in-the-park- grand slam! Legends II
first loss
If Necessary Championship Game
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 15,
Legends II 3. WE DID IT!
Championship 8/7 7pm - Larson
Trucking vs Blue Ballers
Playback Bracket
Larson Trucking 8, Clancey
Chiropractic 6. On to ‘Ship!!
Consolation Game
Shenanigans 17, Clancey
Chiropractic 6. Great win to end the season – fun team to
play against!
Championship 8/7 7:15pm - Blazer
Bar/Exit Realty vs Legends II
Playback Bracket
Royalty Rides 28, A-1 Concrete
10. A-1 Concrete eliminated
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 18,
Royalty Rides 6. Great playing, greta challenge with Alex
hitting for
the win! Royalty Rides eliminated
Consolation Game
Blue Earth Legion 12, Montana
Tree Service 11. Brynn game winning hit! Great game1
Jason needs a left leg!
Blue Ballers 19, Clancey
Chiropractic 14. Jason clutch pitching, Austin’s first
& Tys missed catch
Playback Bracket
Larson Trucking 15, Shenanigans
7. All around good playing!
Clancey Chiropractic 15,
Shenanigans 3. H was real – it wa fun… but it wasn’t real
Legends II 30, Blazer Bar/Exit
Realty 9
Playback Bracket
Blue Earth Legion 21, Royalty
Rides 1. Casha didn’t eat supper, so she eats her shirt.
Brynn didn’t throw up!! Bats finally woke up!
Montana Tree Service 21, A-1
Concrete 9. Always a great game!
A-1 Concrete 28, Blue Earth
Legion 15. Great hitting!
Royalty Rides 19, Montana Tree
Service 17
Blue Ballers 20, Larson Trucking
19. 7th inning comeback!
Clancey Chiropractic 35,
Shenanigans 25. Long hard fought game
Blue Earth Legion 9, A-1 Concrete
8. Close game!
Montana Tree Service 13, Royalty
Rides 8
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 25, Blue
Earth Legion 6. Kobe with 3 in-the-park homeruns!
Legends II 26, Montana Tree
Service 6
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 8, Montana
Tree Service 3. Kayla caught a ball!
Shenanigans 26, Larson Trucking
22. Two in a row - great job Shenanigans,
Thanks to Kayla, Kobe, Sarah for
Blue Earth Legion 20, Royalty
Rides 14. Good thing the game is over – all but one of us
had to pee!
Montana Tree Service 14, A-1
Concrete 9. Nice win to round out regular season!
Blue Ballers 14, Clancey
Chiropractic 9
Legends II 13, Blue Earth Legion
A-1 Concrete 23, Larson Trucking
7. Good hitting!
Montana Tree Service 21, Larson
Trucking 3. Beat the heat – Montana Tree Service scores
more runs than outs recorded!
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 18, A-1
Concrete 1
Legends II 14, Blue Ballers 7
Royalty Rides 23, Clancey
Chiropractic 9
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 23, Larson
Trucking 1. Courtney 2 in-the-park HRs for grand slams for
the night!!
Legends II 25, Clancey
Chiropractic 5
Royalty Rides 27, Blue Ballers 18
Shenanigans 14, Montana Tree
Service 13. Great comeback Shenanigans! Great team win,
special thanks to Trissy & Victoria for playing!
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 19,
Montana Tree Service 9. Rod Grand Slam!
Legends II 10, Larson Trucking 2
Blue Earth Legion 22, Blue
Ballers 8. First time I saw Casha on her knees, 3 of these
get ya a walk!
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 28,
Shenanigans 8. Jordan Selnes 3 in-the-park HRs on the night!
Legends II 18, Royalty Rides 2
Blue Earth Legion 22, Clancey
Chiropractic 10. Casah got the game-winning hit! Thank you
Blue Ballers for being cheerleaders!
A-1 Concrete 22, Shenanigans 16.
Great comeback!
Montana Tree Service 14, Blue
Ballers 13. Zak 2HRs! Nice rally guys!
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 31,
Clancey Chiropractic 0. Courtney 2 doubles!
Larson Trucking 13, A-1 Concrete
12. #bernie2020
Legends II 11, Blue Earth Legion
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 32,
Royalty Rides 25. Kenny didn't get out tonight!
Larson Trucking 9, Shenanigans 8.
Pitter-patter lets get ater!
Legends II 29, Clancey
Chiropractic 9
Blue Earth Legion 23, Royalty
Rides 18. Woo Hoo!!! Happy Birthday Molly! # guys Old Crow
- 2 gals Old Crow!
A-1 Concrete 16, Shenanigans 15.
Good come back!
A-1 Concrete 22, Blue Earth
Legion 21. Great teamwork!
Larson Trucking 6, Blue Ballers 3
Montana Tree Service 14, Royalty
Rides 11
Legends II 24, A-1 Concrete 4
Blue Earth Legion 11, Larson
Trucking 10. Happy birthday Andy! All Hannah needed was a
new bat – Fireball for everybody!
Royalty Rides 22, Shenanigans 1
Legends II 24, Blazer Bar/Exit
Realty 9
Clancey Chiropractic 18, Montana
Tree Service 15. O'Doyle Rules!!
Blue Ballers 30, Shenanigans 13
Legends II 25, Shenanigans 3
Clancey Chiropractic 24, Blue
Ballers 13. Homerus - Brent, Ashley, teamwork make the dream
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 11, Blue
Earth Legion 8. Great game!
Legends II 20, Royalty Rides 12
A-1 Concrete 16, Montana Tree
Service 6Great defense – good hitting
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 37, Larson
Trucking 1
Clancey Chiropractic 17, Royalty
Rides 5. Great defense-great offense – Purple Pride!
A-1 Concrete 34, Blue Ballers 5.
Great fun
Montana Tree Service 14, Blue
Earth Legion 11. Love playing this team!
Blue Earth Legion 30, Shenanigans
4. Did you see the lightning?
Royalty Rides 19, Blue Ballers 4
A-1 Concrete 25, Royalty Rides
13. Good game!!
Larson Trucking 15, Clancey
Chiropractic 8. The Mac with 2 HRs!
Blue Earth Legion 13, Blue
Ballers 2. The sand is not a pool Mal. Al out of retirement
after 15 years can still pitch.
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 25, A-1
Concrete 4. Sterlin Johnson came in clutch with a 2-run
Legends II over Blue Ballers
Blue Earth Legion 21, Clancey
Chiropractic 8. TJ has pulled everything possible to pull.
Molly looked at 5 pitches & then
tomahawked it!
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 27,
Shenanigans 2. Great night team!
Legends II 22, Montana Tree
Service 2
Montana Tree Service 17,
Shenanigans 2. Always a great game.
Blazer Bar/Exit Realty 18, Blue
Ballers 4. Nice Start
Clancey Chiropractic 28,
Shenanigans 16. O'Doyle rules!!!
Montana Tree Service 15, Butcher
Block 3. Love life- always fun
A-1 Concrete 26, Clancey
Chiropractic 6. Great hitting
Royalty Rides 19, Butcher Block